Euref Campus - a smart urban district
The 55,000-square-meter EUREF-Campus – a smart urban district and pilot project for the transition to sustainable energy and networked mobility.
The old Gasometer is not only a Schöneberg landmark, a monument to industrial architecture and a special venue all its own, it is, above all, a bridge to the energy of the future. Because the Gasometer is surrounded by a campus that serves as home to a variety of companies and institutions that are working on a smart, modern energy supply and new models of mobility.

The campus, which consists of a unique blend of historical buildings and architecturally attractive new structures, is generating new impetus for pioneering innovations and inspires enthusiasm through its integrated energy and mobility design. An innovative community from industry and science – including Cisco, Deutsche Bahn, Schneider Electric und General Electric – has taken up residence on the campus where they are developing ecologically and economically sustainable solutions for a smart urban model.

The buildings are supplied with locally generated renewable energy from wind, solar, biogas and geothermal sources – using five small wind turbines and three solar installations – which makes them, for the most part, autonomous and carbon neutral. The entire power supply system for these energy-optimized “green buildings” is managed via a Micro Smart Grid. The core idea behind this smart grid involves the storage of excess electricity from renewable sources so that it is quickly available when needed and can otherwise be used as an on-site energy source, e.g. at charging stations for refueling electric vehicles. This networking of urban mobility and energy is an important issue on the EUREF-Campus, as shown for example by the “Platform electroMobility” located there.

Research Center
Last but not least, the EUREF-Campus is also an innovative research center that works with the TU Berlin to provide practice-oriented programs of study.
Facts & Figures
- Pilot site for the transition to sustainability
- CO2-neutral energy supply via biogas CHP
- Locally generated renewable energy from solar, wind
- and geothermal sources
- Smart grid / smart metering and power to heat on campus
- Platform for electro-mobility
- Largest electric filling station in Germany
- Innovative research Center
- Five Master’s degree programs at TU Berlin with 120
- students
- “Mobility2Grid” federal government research Campus
- “Green Garage” startup incubator
More Information:
Future plannings at EUREF in 3D:
Berlin Economic Atlas
Based on an article published in Berlin to go,Jan. 2015
Last update: August 2018