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Whether working remote, in a co-working space, or an office, you need a good team to achieve your startup’s vision.

How to Put a Team Together in Berlin

Berlin is full of talent. Here is how to find the right people for your new company.

Recruitment of qualified and skilled staff is easy in Berlin. If you’re looking for candidates, you have a number of options. Here’s how to find your team in Berlin. 

Official Platforms

The first step is to register with Berlin’s own job board,, with its job search portal. is operated by Berlin Partner, the city's economic development agency, which also offers a Talent Service for companies coming to Berlin from abroad. If you have a larger number of positions to fill, contact them for individual advice.

Other free services such as "Job Dating" or "Shop a Job" for companies in Berlin are offered by JOB POINT Berlin.

You should also reach out to the official Federal Employment Agency, the Arbeitsagentur. Their services for employers are free and they offer personal consultation. 

And then there's EURES, the network of European employment services, where you can search for the right talent across Europe.

A great place to look for motivated graduates are the universities and institutes of higher education in Berlin. Reach out directly to the career services Berlin-Brandenburg, which are backed by the Association of Businesses in Berlin Brandenburg

The great thing about employing graduates is that you may be eligible for subsidies of up to 50% of the wage costs. The program is called Berliner Innovationsfachkräfte. Find out about it at the Investment Bank Berlin. 

Also reach out to the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Berlin (IHK Berlin). They have a partnership program for finding skilled and qualified staff. 

If you’re interested in recruiting skilled staff who are not from Germany, check out the portal Make it in Germany, run by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action. 

When you find non-German nationals you want to employ, Berlin’s Business Immigration Service can help you sort out the paperwork with uncomplicated issuing of residence permits for qualified specialists.

Berlin is a draw for talented individuals and therefore a good place to find qualified staff.
Happy together – recruiting a team is easy in Berlin – ©

Job Portals

The following platforms are where to list jobs and hire staff.

You might register on Moberries, who have an official partnership with

Also check out Truffls, Empion and powerus.

If you are in the healthcare sector, you should know Medwing, and ifyou are in the life sciences industry you should try Optinoo, which offers digital services called "recruitainment".

If your company’s language is English, then post your jobs here,

If you consider yourself a startup, you could try posting a job on

Another job search engine is the Startuplist – Startup jobs in Germany

If you’re in the greentech scene, get in touch with

German pages you should know include:

With so many skilled refugees in town, you should also check Jobs4refugeesWorkeer and MobiJob.

Furthermore, consider the popular general job platforms and (or 

You may want to be active on LinkedIn as well as its German equivalent

More Ways to Recruit Talent in Berlin

Naturally, there are also any number of headhunters, recruitment agencies, and HR consultants in Berlin. A simple google search will yield plenty of results if this is the path you want to take. 

And then there are many job fairs in Berlin that you could consider attending with a booth or stand. 

You’ll find almost all of the job and career fairs listed on The Free University also lists some job fairs

So you see that Berlin offers a number of ways to stay on top of talent shortage.

Text: Olaf Bryan Wielk, ideenmanufaktur
Header image: ©

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