AdMaCom 2021 Autumn Edition Online Demo Day
The Innovation Network for Advanced Materials (INAM) invites you to the 2021 Autumn Edition of the Advanced Materials Competition Demo Day.
Join us online to hear pitches from exciting startups in materials science.
The teams come from all over the world and the Demo Day marks their graduation from our intense 2 week Accelerator Program, AdMaCom.
Presenting at demo-day:
- Amphibio from London, UK
- XPECT INX from Ghent, Belgium
- FaradalC
- SunGreenH2 from Singapore
- SEPPURE from Singapore
- Printoptics from Stuttgart, Germany
- Mycocycle, Inc. from Illinois, US
- 3DStrong LLC from Latvia
- POLTISS from Szczecin, Poland
- Immaterial Ltd from Cambridge, UK
- OM-LoT from Berlin, Germany
- Thin Film Unlimited from Hamburg, Germany
Admission is free of charge. Go to registration!
About AdMaCom
The Advanced Materials Competition (AdMaCom) is a fast-paced 2 week Accelerator Program for Startups in Advanced Materials.
AdMaCom focuses on: IP Strategy, Investment & funding opportunities, Technical & Business Mentoring, Pitch training and Networking - this is what we have learned are the most important things for startups in Materials.
To learn more about AdMaCom, read the story of OrelTech, who won the competition in 2017 and then moved from Israel to Berlin.

Header Photo by Florian Wehde on Unsplash