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European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC)

ESA Industry Space Days 2024

ESA Industry Space Days logo

September 18-19.2024

Meet us at our stand D23 and find out more about the space industry in Berlin and the opportunities the city offers you.

The space sector in Berlin and Brandenburg is characterized by the small satellites segment - with continuous growth. The companies and research institutes in the German capital region develop and build subcomponents as well as complete small and nanosatellites with a variety of application technologies. These include propulsion technology, lightweight components, electronics, optics, laser systems, power supply, measuring instruments, communications technology, sensors, simulation software, etc.
Berlin's small- and nanosatellite facilities are among the world's pioneers and have rapidly gained commercial importance in recent years. More than 70 companies and research institutes from the German capital region are active in the space sector and, with their diverse expertise and specializations, form a holistic, interdisciplinary center of competence for space technologies and applications.
Space operations place extremely high demands on technology. What's needed is the cooperation of highly specialized researchers and engineers from different fields. Berlin-Brandenburg offers optimal conditions for this.
The extensive research landscape and strong business clusters, particularly in the fields of ICT, photonics and aerospace, ensure that New Space companies can thrive in an optimal environment.

If you have any questions about the space sector in Berlin, or would like to find out more about Berlin Partner's support services for companies wishing to locate in Berlin, please do not hesitate to contact Marielies Becker. You can also meet her at the Berlin booth D23.

Marielies Becker
+49 30 46302-359

Learn 10 reasons why Berlin will be the center for NewSpace in Germany!

Berlin Space Motiv

About the event:

In addition to the exhibition, the Industry Space Days also offer a wide range of keynote speeches and panel discussions featuring speakers from ESA, industry, investors and institutional partners.

More information:

Header Image: (c) ESA