How To Fix Your Cyber Security

Woman on top – Fabiola (CEO) with co-founders Grigory (CTO) and Branko (CISO) – © Secfix
Complying with cybersecurity standards is getting to be more of a hassle for any business that uses modern software, especially companies selling B2B. To save small and medium sized businesses resources and money, Berlin-based startup Secfix checks their tech stack for potential weaknesses. They help companies comply with standards such as ISO 27001, GDPR, SOC 2, and TISAX by connecting to the software tools they use in their daily operations, including Azure, Office365, AWS, GCP, Jira, or Personio, and automatically searching for potential security breaches. Secfix then collects the required information and generates a checklist which can be used in the security certification process, so that the company has the certificates it needs in order to win and maintain the trust of their customers. A while ago we spoke with one of the Secfix founders, Fabiola Munguia, about what it is like to have a startup in Berlin as a woman. Now Secfix has raised €3.6M in seed funding, which it intends to use for product development and to expand into European markets, as techfundingnews reports. Congratulations, Fabiola!