Make Money Saving The Planet

The co-founders of ecoligo Martin Baart and Markus Schwaninger in their Berlin HQ. – © ecoligo
A little over five years ago, Martin Baart and Markus Schwaninger had an idea. They were in Ghana at the time and saw how local businesses that were able to implement solar panels were saving money. The problem was the initial financial hurdle that was keeping more local businesses from getting solar. Their idea was crowd-investing, and out of it has emerged their company ecoligo. On anyone can invest in a photovoltaic project in emerging markets such as Ghana, Kenya, Uganda, Chile or Vietnam. Investors get a return, the projects themselves get significant help from local ecoligo partners implementing their solar system. This concept to support the clean energy transition worldwide is attracting bigger investors, who have just given ecoligo €11M in backing, as siliconcanals reports from the press release.