Marketplace Recare secured €3.2M in new funding

Careful: Recare founder and CEO Maximilian Greschke – © Recare
Facilitating patient transfer between clinics to aftercare providers is one of the aspects of ‘hospital discharge management’. The HealthTech startup Recare has a digital marketplace platform that connects hospitals and clinics with rehabilitation, nursing, convalescence, and homecare facilities. For seven years, Recare has made it possible for over 24,000 facilities to take on patients from over 700 hospitals, with some of the biggest clinic carriers using the platform. In the summer of 2023 Recare acquired Pflegeplatzmanager GmbH, thereby expanding its customer base considerably. Now Recare has secured €3.2M in new funding, as startbase reports from the press release, which will help the company to strengthen its role in the digitalization of the healthcare sector. The timing is good because new regulation in Germany (the KHZG) will oblige hospitals to digitalize. While many doctors continue to send faxes, Recare founder and CEO Maximilian Greschke says, “We believe that technology is the key to making a positive impact in the healthcare system, making processes more efficient, faster and safer.”